

Hello there!

You’ve stumbled upon our little corner of the internet.
We’re Bob and Bart, two dutch hikers with a passion for hiking & outdoors.
We are currently working on many articles for this blog. So stay tuned! 

See you out there!
Bob & Bart

Check our blog!

Visit our personal blog where we share tips, tricks, reports of micro-adventures, and more. Click the button below to explore.


Throughout the years, we’ve embarked on numerous treks around the world. In these journeys, the enjoyment typically encompasses 60%, leaving the remaining 40% less favorable. Despite instances of getting lost, unappetizing food, and challenging weather, the beauty of encounters and stunning views serves as compensation. If you’re curious to discover the trails we’ve hiked, click the button below!


Got any questions or just want to say hello? Feel free to reach out, we’d love to hear from you!